Category: Bonnie Logan

Bonnie Logan is a Singer, Dancer and Glamour/Pin Up Model in various magazines from the 1950s and 60s. Her real name is Bonnie Bakken, but she went by several alias Bonnie Logan, Laura Lee, Monique Murray, Marilyn Marquis, Lola Lee, Jan Logan, Andrea Jackson, to name a few.

Bonnie Logan in a bikini on the bar

Bonnie Logan in a bikini on the bar

Bonnie Logan nude on the couch

Bonnie Logan nude on the couch giving us a great look at her nipples

Bonnie Logan as a sweater girl

Bonnie Logan as a sweater girl

West Coast nightclub singer Bonnie Logan

For fans of classic 50’s men’s magazines, there are some pin-up models that just stand out West…

Bonnie Logan under construction

Bonnie Logan under construction

Bonnie Logan sweater open up a tree

Bonnie Logan sweater open up a tree