Category: Ladies we looked at in pictures

Eve Meyer naked on the bed

Eve Meyer naked on the bed

Evelyn West naked with red roses

Evelyn West is naked and covering up with red roses

Didi Daniels

Terry Higgins on a pool table

Terry Higgins topless on a pool table  flashing her stockings

An Irving Klaw photograph of Marge Mellor

An Irving Klaw photograph of Marge Mellor

Ruth Anderson nude on stage

Ruth Anderson by Bunny Yeager c.1960’s

Judy O’Day naked on the phone

Judy O’Day naked on the phone

Geri “Sequin” Tomburello

Geri “Sequin” Tomburello

Legs and cleavage make a pinup pose

Legs and cleavage make a pinup pose

Elsa Sorensen On the Cover of Adam V1N9

Elsa Sorensen On the Cover of Adam V1N9

Eve Meyer An eye full on the Beach

An eye full on the Beach and Eve Meyer knows you are looking and she knows you…

Elsa Sorensen on the cover of Adam V4N4

Elsa Sorensen on the cover of Adam V4N4