Category: Ladies we looked at in pictures

pinup with her legs up on the bed

pinup with her legs up on the bed

Showing the sexy legs

Pinup Showing the sexy legs reclining on a couch

Eve Meyer sexy in bed

Eve Meyer looks sexy just wearing a nightie in bed

Model Melody Ward

Model Melody Ward

Jackie Miller perched on a chair

Jackie Miller perched on a chair just wearing lingerie and stockings

Young Lady in a pinup pose

Young Lady in a pinup pose

Terry Higgins Nude

Marilyn Monroe in an early bikini

a young Marilyn Monroe in an early little bikini

Terry Higgins on the cover of BEAU

Terry Higgins showing off her cleavage on the cover of BEAU May 1967

Dawn Grayson in a corner

Dawn Grayson in a corner just wearing stockings and a garter belt

Pinup big boobs and stockings

Pinup big boobs and stockings

Pinup sitting

Pinup sitting