Marilyn Monroe in yellow

Marilyn Monroe in yellow

Bettie Page sitting nude

Bettie Page sitting nude giving a good look at her nipple

A Warm Welcome

A Warm Welcome by Gil Elvgren, 1959

June Palmer began work as a topless dancer

June Palmer began work as a topless dancer at the Windmill Theatre in London, and started modelling…

Bunny Yeager in a Seminole Indian Patterned Bikini

Bunny Yeager in a sexy Self-Portrait wearing a Seminole Indian Patterned Bikini

Judy Crowder sexy in the back yard

Judy Crowder sexy in the back yard

Bettie Page adjusting the sound

Bettie Page adjusting the sound

Flirt n Skirt

A surprised Eve Meyer

A surprised Eve Meyer showing her sexy cleavage

Bettie Page wining the fight

Bettie Page wining the fight her opponent is all tied up

Frolic – Why showgals are showing more than ever

Frolic – Why showgals are showing more than ever

She need a leg up to refill

She need a leg up to refill