Terry Higgins filling out that bra

Terry Higgins filling out that bra

Samantha Fox always was so happy

Samantha Fox always was so happy and looked so sexy

Virginia Rogers on the phone in 1963

Virginia Rogers topless on the phone in 1963

Gloria Pall in a sexy 50’s bikini

Gloria Pall sitting pretty in a sexy 50’s bikini Brooklyn-born Gloria Pall came to Hollywood by a…

Measuring Up, Happy Holidays

Measuring Up, Happy Holidays by Gil Elvgren

Bill Randall : calendar illustration, November 1949

Bill Randall : calendar illustration, November 1949

Toby Wing dances on a table in Lingerie in Search for Beauty

Toby Wing dances on a table in Lingerie in Search for Beauty

Jackie Miller nude

Jackie Miller nude

Samantha Fox in the door way

Samantha Fox in lingerie at the door way

Ready to play – Earl Moran

Bikini Babe by Arthur Sarnoff

Bikini Babe by Arthur Sarnoff

On the phone by Arthur Saron Sarnoff

On the phone by Arthur Saron Sarnoff