Dolores Reed sitting topless in the garden

Dolores Reed sitting topless in the garden and staring us down

Barbara Nichols on the cover of Follies

Barbara Nichols on the cover of Follies

Gloria Dawn on a 1960′s summer day

Gloria Dawn on a 1960′s summer day

Black stockings and heels

Black stockings and heels

Michelle Angelo waiting nude in the garden

Michelle Angelo waiting nude in the garden and giving us a great view of those big tits

Dolores Fuller nude beside the pool

Pinup Dolores Fuller  nude beside the pool

Vivian Maledy drinking in front of the TV

Vivian Maledy drinking in front of the TV

Bunny Yeager relaxing on the couch

Bunny Yeager just wearing a corset and  relaxing on the couch

Bettie Page nude

Bettie Page nude

Adam V3N1

Jan Newman giving us a sexy pinup pose

Jan Newman giving us a sexy pinup pose

Nicola Taylor outside in her underwear

Nicola Taylor outside in her underwear